16.05.2024 Άρθρα

Banking digitalisation has transformed customer acquisition, providing frictionless client onboarding experience and placing a premium on efficient KYC (Know Your Customer) processes.

However, up to 70% of new account applications in traditional banks are abandoned due to lengthy onboarding procedures. This highlights the critical role efficient onboarding plays in the success of digital banks and neobanks and the competitive advantage they will gain if they adopt a truly intuitive approach. This article explores the importance of streamlined client onboarding, the challenges that digital banking institutions face, and how innovative solutions can address these obstacles.


KYC: Its history and importance

KYC verifies potential customers’ identity and assesses their suitability for financial services. With a rich history rooted in regulatory compliance and risk management since 1970, KYC helps combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Initially, KYC relied on manual processes and paper-based documents but has evolved towards standardised practices set by organisations like FATF.

The 9/11 events led to stricter KYC requirements, which expanded KYC’s scope to fighting terrorism financing. Recognising the limitations of basic KYC, banks started using Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) which involves deeper investigation into a customer’s background and activities.

The early 2000s saw a technological revolution in KYC with digital identity verification systems and AI streamlining the process. While this brought efficiency, concerns about data protection emerged. Today, KYC process involves Biometric authentication, Blockchain technology, and ongoing advancements in AI to address security, efficiency, and global collaboration in combating financial crime and Cyber risk.

For financial institutions, KYC isn’t just a regulatory hurdle, but offers significant benefits. KYC helps financial institutions assess risk by evaluating a customer’s financial history, prior behaviour and assets. It also limits fraud by deterring those who rely on hidden identities. More importantly, KYC helps prevent money laundering and other illegal activities, fostering a more stable and trustworthy financial system.


Challenges in Client Onboarding for Digital Banks & Neobanks

While digitalisation in the banking industry offers convenience, it also presents unique challenges for client onboarding.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating this complex regulatory framework demands meticulous attention to detail and a robust compliance strategy to ensure adherence to anti-money laundering (AML), counter-terrorism financing (CTF), and other regulatory mandates. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines, reputational damage, and even legal repercussions, which can significantly impact the viability and sustainability of banking institutions.

To address these challenges effectively, banks must adopt a proactive approach to compliance, leveraging advanced technologies and automated solutions to streamline KYC processes and enhance accuracy and efficiency.

Balancing Compliance & User Experience

Balancing compliance with user experience presents a significant challenge for digital banks and neobanks. On one hand, these financial institutions are obligated to adhere to stringent KYC regulations imposed by regulatory authorities to prevent financial crimes. This necessitates thorough identity verification and due diligence processes, which often involve collecting a substantial amount of customer information and documentation.

However, on the other hand, modern consumers, especially those accustomed to the convenience of digital services, have high expectations for seamless and frictionless experiences. Lengthy and cumbersome onboarding processes can quickly frustrate potential customers, leading to abandonment of the application or seeking services from competitors with more user-friendly interfaces.

The challenge lies in finding the delicate balance between meeting regulatory requirements and providing a smooth onboarding experience that doesn’t deter customers. Simplifying the application process, minimising the number of steps required, and leveraging technology to automate data entry and verification procedures are essential strategies to mitigate this challenge. Additionally, offering clear guidance and support throughout the onboarding journey can help alleviate customer concerns and instill confidence in the process.

Data Security & Privacy

Data security and privacy concerns represent a critical aspect of operating in the digital banking sphere, posing significant challenges for both digital banks and neobanks. As these financial institutions collect, store, and process vast amounts of sensitive customer data, they become prime targets for cyberattacks, data breaches, and other malicious activities.

To address these looming threats, digital banks and neobanks must implement robust measures to safeguard sensitive customer information effectively. This entails adopting state-of-the-art encryption techniques, multi-factor authentication protocols, and intrusion detection systems to fortify their IT infrastructure against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Additionally, stringent access controls, regular security audits, and employee training programs can help bolster data security defenses and minimize the risk of data breaches.

Furthermore, compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is imperative for digital banks and neobanks. These regulations impose strict requirements on the collection, storage, and processing of personal data, necessitating comprehensive data governance frameworks and adherence to privacy-by-design principles.


Best Practices for Digital Banks & Neobanks

Digital banks and neobanks can adopt several best practices to optimise their client onboarding processes.

User-Friendly Interface

Implementing user-friendly interfaces is paramount for digital banks and neobanks to streamline the onboarding process and enhance the overall customer experience. By prioritizing simplicity and clarity in their interfaces, financial institutions can remove unnecessary friction points and guide users seamlessly through the onboarding journey.

One key aspect of user-friendly interfaces is intuitive design, which involves organising information in a logical and easily navigable manner. By presenting information in a clear and concise format, users can quickly understand the steps involved in the onboarding process and proceed with confidence. This includes using visual cues such as progress indicators, tooltips, and descriptive labels to guide users through each stage of the onboarding journey.


Streamlined KYC for innovative digital banking


AI & Machine Learning

Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies can revolutionize the KYC (Know Your Customer) process for digital banks and neobanks, offering a multitude of benefits ranging from enhanced efficiency to improved decision-making accuracy.

One of the primary advantages of AI and ML in KYC is their ability to automate and streamline repetitive tasks, such as data extraction, document verification, and risk assessment. By deploying AI-powered algorithms, financial institutions can analyze vast amounts of customer data in real-time, identifying patterns, anomalies, and potential risks with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Moreover, AI and ML models can adapt and learn from new data inputs over time, continuously refining their decision-making capabilities and staying ahead of emerging threats and regulatory changes. This dynamic approach to KYC enables financial institutions to maintain compliance with evolving regulations while minimising false positives and reducing the risk of regulatory penalties.

Personalised Onboarding

Personalising the onboarding experience based on customer preferences and behaviour is a key strategy for digital banks and neobanks to foster engagement and loyalty among their customer base.

By leveraging data analytics and customer insights, financial institutions can tailor the onboarding journey to meet the unique needs and preferences of individual customers. This level of personalisation allows banks to deliver a more relevant and meaningful experience, increasing the likelihood of customer satisfaction and retention.

One way to personalise the onboarding experience is through targeted messaging and communication. By analysing customer data, banks can identify specific customer segments and craft personalised messages that resonate with their interests, preferences, and financial goals.

Omnichannel Support

Omnichannel support entails providing customers with consistent and integrated service across multiple channels, including mobile apps, websites, social media platforms, and physical branches. This approach allows customers to interact with their bank through the channel of their choice, without encountering any disruptions or inconsistencies in service.

One of the key benefits of omnichannel support is the ability to meet customers where they are. In today’s digital age, customers expect the flexibility to engage with their bank through their preferred channels, whether it’s through a mobile app while on the go, a website from the comfort of their home, or a physical branch for more complex transactions. By offering omnichannel support, banks can cater to diverse customer needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless and convenient banking experience.

Moreover, omnichannel support enables customers to transition effortlessly between different channels without losing their place in the banking process. For example, a customer might start an application for a new account on their mobile app and later continue the process on the bank’s website without having to restart or re-enter information. This continuity of experience enhances efficiency and reduces friction for the customer.


Key Components of Efficient Client Onboarding

Efficient client onboarding is essential for digital banks and neobanks to thrive in the digital banking realm. By embracing streamlined KYC processes and innovative solutions, financial institutions can overcome regulatory challenges, enhance user experience, and drive growth.

Finuevo Digital, offers a comprehensive Cloud-Native Digital Banking Platform that streamlines KYC, by offering rich experiences, and automated customer onboarding. By automating day-to-day tasks like document processing, the platform empowers bank professionals to focus on providing competitive services, while crafting seamless and personalised customer journeys regardless of the backend systems and enhance the engagement steadily and efficiently across all points of contact.



Winning corporate clients with great onboarding [McKinsey & Company]

The History Of KYC: From Paper To Digital Identities [Forbes]


KYC Is Worth The Heavy Lift To Enhance Your Customer Experience [Forbes]

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its impact on KYC checks [GDPR]